Thursday, February 4, 2010

The mother has the right to control her own body.True or false ?

First of all, a baby is not part of its mother's body. It is an individual human being, with its own separate body. To be sure, the mother is ';feeding'; the inborn baby, but does a mother have the right to stop feeding her baby after it is born? This would be murder by starvation, and to cut off the source of life for a preborn baby is also a morally culpable act.The mother has the right to control her own body.True or false ?
the choice to become a mother or not is made before her pants come off.

there are more than enough Contriseptives that if used in conjunction with each other should put the chances at les than .01 %

there are enough goverment programs, school pograms that is many persons do not want to have a child that these devices and medications are just about free. if one cannot afford a 50 cent condum out of a gas station dispencer they shouldnt be having sex in the first place.

There is enough education pushed into schools avail on internet, or from friends and parents than unwanted babies should not be conceived .

As you have stated it is not part of the mothers body... I can see one almost consitering it a parasite since it feeds off its host till the child is born.. but its a consious decision you just don;t become pregnant walking down the streetThe mother has the right to control her own body.True or false ?
To he!I with the baby: the Republicans want control your every thought.
Every case is different and neither you nor I have the right to tell anyone else what the can and can't do with their bodies.

Although I myself would not have an abortion it is not my right to tell someone else they can't

If men were the ones giving birth this wouldn't be an issue right now. Why can't a woman decided what is right for herself without the help of the rest of the world.
The man might desperately want to have that child. He might want to raise her and love her. But he has absolutely no say in the matter. None whatsover.

I'm amazed that men haven't protested more about this loss of rights. I just think it's odd that only women have an ';exclusive right to kill';.
sept 24th-06

I feel sorry for you! a mother has a riht to take of herslf, BUT not as you think if your pregant. This child wasn't asked to be born cause of your nites of fun. u should of took prcaustions. this day an age, theres no such thing i made a mitake. younger people knows better then some did years years ago.

so think 2 if your true or false
I'd say damn right... her body, her decision.... no matter what anyone says, you cannot legislate morality, and behavior.

If a woman wants to ruin her body by having constant abortions so be it, then i will not feel bad for her when she wants to have a child later in life and can't due to her past....
Here we go again...why doesn't the father just implant the fetus in his own body %26amp; I'd bet this subject would finally be resolved.
True to a degree, If what I am understanding from your post. If the mother doesn't want to breat feed and use formula instead then that is her business. But if the mother doesn't feed at all period no formula, nothing, then she should be jailed for murder, neglect, and or child abuse.
My opinion is've had 9 months to think about raising a child. But once you've giving birth you've pretty much committed yourself to being responsible for caring for that child which of course directly effects the mother in every was..But even then so.. a person can still put that child up for adoption. But if you gave birth to that child and just starved it then that mother is intentionally neglecting and abusing her child that she chose to give birth to.

On the other hand, if say she chose to get an abortion..she forfeits her rights to want to be a mother. She has every right to choose this for herself. Yes, she got may have been a mistake..but the point is, she doesn't want to be a mother..she doesn't want to make that committment. I hate hearing well then she shouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place..but the fact of the matter is that it's not just about her body or the child''s about both lives. and if having to get an abortion to prevent an unwanted child that would be neglected and abused after it's born well then so be it.
Take it up with Roe vs. Wade and learn how to cateorize a question. Really, in the time spent here boo hooing on Yahoo, you could write your senators a letter about this.

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