yes, while statisticly the chances are low, you can get preggers while on the pill. You should be using Birth control pills in conjunction with a condom. This will also help prevent ( but not gaurantee) getting an STD. Also, you don't say how old you are. If your a minor, please refrain from having sex till your older. No reason to ruin your life for a little bit of pleasure. There is plenty of time for that later. If your of age or not, you should talk to your OBGYN for sound advice.I really want to know if this true or false what my friend tells me on begin on birth control pill?
There's something like a 0.001% chance of getting pregnant while on the pill...IF all of the rules are followed.
Some other meds can actually cancel out the pill. There's even less of a chance of getting pregnant if the condom is used also. This is recommended since the pill doesn't block any STDs.
yes, you can still get pregnant. but if you're consistent with a schedule to take it at the same time everyday, the chances of this happening drop drastically.
It is true, although the chance are very slim, I believe that the pill is 99.9% effective. Your doctor should go over all the facts on birth control pills, you can double up your protection by using a condom as well, however, the only 100% way of not getting pregnate is though abstence. Hope this helped!
Nothing is 100% effective, even the pill.
yea you can get preggers lol. my best friend got pregnant on the pill... and shes 13! but condoms help too. but theres already a risk so good luck
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